Hi there, for those of you who periodically view my blog. As you can tell, it's been a slow month of posts. And I truly have no excuse. I just got a new laptop, so I can blog whenever my little heart desires. I have all these half posts that are now irrelevant, I think I'll just delete them.
I've been a little too preoccupied with trying to get back in shape, and, maybe, test for my next belt level. The thing that killed me on my last belt test were the push-ups. I had to do 100 push-ups, and not the little girlie kind either. I like. to die. Those push-ups was in addition to:
100 leg throw downs
100 stomach crunches
A shitload of squats
I can't even remember how many kicks, it's all a blur, probably 50 a leg of 5 different types of kicks
Four 1 minute long stick jumping exercises
Free sparring
Free grapple
MMA style sparring
And whatever else they felt the need to torture us with...
Needless to say, after that test, I was spent. I needed to take a break and re-evaluate, what exactly am I doing this for? At the end of my little training sabbatical, I decided that it was still important to me to train, but maybe I should get the testosterone out of my system and stop trying to prove that I can hang with the youngins in the class, and take it a little easy. And to think about what training goals I want for myself, not exactly what my instructor thinks my training goals should be. I truly respect my instructor, but I think that he sometimes forgets that I am closer in age to him than some of the other students. I am sure that he sees the potential for a hardcore, MMA female fighter in me. But my body just takes too long to heal these days. I need to step it up a notch, but in a more gingerly way.
As far as push-ups go, I'm up to about 20 a set, almost up to 3 sets with 30 second break in between. I now need to start back up with the crunches and the regular cardio. I get a bit of the cardio from class and just simply 3 sets of running up and down three flights of steps at work. If the opportunity to test again comes up, I may give it serious consideration. But I want to make sure I do it with a truly conditioned mind and body. And that it is it truly something that I want.
So there you have it! Nothing exciting, as of yet. The Anti-Diva is still alive and kicking, literally.
So has things been this month for everyone else?
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Monday, March 10, 2008
Dru Hill reunion???

At least that what we were lead to believe on 92Q's Big Phatt Morning Show the other day. The reunion lasted about 10 minutes. Woody, who left the group previously, decided, on the air, that the group didn't really need him and that he should continue in his fellowship with God. There is a question as to whether or not this was a staged event. Maybe the whole thing was done for publicity? Well, Sisqo did not seem none too pleased with Woody's announcement. Of course, I wouldn't be too happy if my entertainment career was reduced to a terrible country reality TV series. Why else would Sisqo consider "Going Country" is his R&B career was on track?
I don't understand why they would include Woody in these reunion plans anyway. He left for the same reasons the first time. When they added Ruscola, aka 'Scola, to the group, I thought they were on the right track. I remember rocking 'Scola's "Let's Get Personal" track back in the mid to late 90's. He was pretty big here in the Baltimore/DC region for a minute. 'Scola added a freshness to the group that was way overdue. I was looking forward to a Dru Hill rebirth. After "Dru World Order" and Woody actually leaving the group, however, everything just seemed to fall apart. I noticed that with this reunion, 'Scola was not involved. I wonder why.
Here is the video from the radio interview. Could it be all a hoax?
dru hill,
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