Thursday, June 21, 2007

I need a new laptop

That piece of crap that I brought a few years ago has been nothing but a pain from the day I purchased it. It was such a good deal, though. $999 with $300 rebate. But two things should have made me make better use of my charge card. First, it was a Celeron. Second, the brand name. I will never buy an E-machine again. I knew better. But my frugality got the better of me. So, now, I need a new laptop. I've been using my desktop computer, but I am beginning to need the freedom of a laptop. The freedom to write in this blog without the peering eyes and nosy questions of my husband. The freedom to take my computer into the single most place for writing my best thoughts; the bathroom. One of the few places that I can be alone in my house. I take a few dumps and no one wants to use the bathroom for at least 30 minutes. Alone with my muse. It's a wonderful thing.

I'm thinking about going Mac for this laptop. With its ability to dual boot, I figure if there are any Windows programs that I have to have, I won't have to abandon them fully. I am patiently waiting for Leopard to show its spots. Unlike Vista, there appears to be added functionality in Leopard that could actually be useful. The Stacks function on the Dock stood out for me, considering how cluttered I can leave my desktop. The new Quick Look feature stood out to me as well. Having a quick "snapshot" of a file instead of opening the application associated with it first would save a lot of time.

Well, that's it for me for now. Keeping my fingers crossed. Hopefully, I can get that new Mac by the end of the year.